Pesticide Notifications

HRCC Aquatic Weed Control Program 2023/24

Hawkesbury River County Council will be conducting aquatic weed spraying operations along the Hawkesbury River from Windsor to Lower Portland to locate and control weed species.

Weeds targeted may include Frogbit, Water primrose, Coral trees, Tree tobacco, Sticky nightshade and Willows which have been funded by The Early Needs Weed Management Program which is a  targeted grant available to LCA’s in the Greater Sydney and South East Local Land Services Regions. Weeds which have infested new areas as a result of the floods and are proven to have or have the potential to impact on the recovery of primary production in the LGA were identified. Weed control will include foliar spraying of registered herbicides, approved for use in aquatic situations by registration or by the APVMA under permit.

The control program will be inclusive from September 22nd 2023 through to November 2023 depending on weather conditions.

For further information call (02) 4574 9600 during office hours of 9am-3pm or email Natalie James  Weeds Control Coordinator at

HRCC Priority Weed Control Program 2023/24

Council will be conducting widespread spot control of priority weeds along roads, road reserves, and in council parks and reserves of our member councils from throughout 2023/24.

Weeds treated during  will be;

  • Boneseed
  • Mother of millions
  • African boxthorn
  • Broad leaf pepper
  • Green cestrum
  • Ming fern
  • Coolatai grass
  • Kei apple
  • Frogbit

Control of these weeds will take place via manual removal, low volume spot spraying, basal bark and cut stump control techniques.

Weed control operations will be conducted using registered herbicides and used in accordance to herbicide label directions and pose minimal risk to human, animal or environmental health when used in the manner prescribed.

Areas to be treated; Council managed roads, road reserves, parks and reserves in the local government areas of Blacktown, Hawkesbury, The Hills shire and Penrith.

IMPORTANT –  If using any herbicides around your home or property, always read the label before using any herbicide.  All chemicals MUST be used strictly in accordance with the registered label for the product.

For further information on this control program, or for general information regarding noxious weed species, please contact council on 4574 9600 or email

Pesticide Use Notification Plan

This plan describes how chemicals are used safely in the environment. It provides information on the public places and types of chemicals used and how the community is notified about their use. It also includes a form to register as a “chemical sensitive” individual or place.