Correctional centre gets a handle on weeds

The Emu Plains Correctional Centrehas pulled off a big win in the fight against weeds. In cooperation with Hawkesbury River County Council, centre management hasenlisted the help of minimum-security inmates and contractors to improve the management of the site located along Old Bathurst Rd. A large section of the site, which was once used by Corrective Services NSW as a dairy production facility, had become overgrown since the plans for a large-scale development were taken off the table. As a result, various weed species such as Apple of Sodom, Fireweed and Green Cestrum began to take over the site. The job of weed control was made particularly more problematic by the amount of broken wire and fencing that was scattered across the property. This has been taken care of, and after three months of consistent effort the site is now in a sustainable weed management state.

The Chair of HRCC, Clr. Brad Bunting has said: “We are very keen to work with any land holder in the area that needs assistance with weed management. HRCC can develop sustainable weed control plans for any property, and will consider all related issues such as costs, weed risk, legislation and environmental impact.”

Hawkesbury River County Council is the local weed authority for the Council areas of Penrith, Blacktown, Hawkesbury and The Hills Shire. HRCC has a list of all Priority Weeds on its website at if you would like to report a weed, please do so by calling 4574 9600.